Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Media Consumption Day 8:

Today I had life drawing at school! Old naked man, 4:30-6:30... HOT STUFF >:)

I enjoyed it, though. I feel like I've learned something of the integrity and traditionalism of art, rather than the new-fangled processes I've otherwise involved myself in, in this form of creativity, of late.
Once I got home, I carried on with some photography work, and read a little bit of Birdsong, that book I was kinda made to read, though mind you, it's fun.

After I was done doing all THAT, I started listening to some music, I'm particularly enjoying:
iDOLEAST - Defeat Us Feat. RoSt
right now. It's a really weird sounding tune, but pretty SIIIIIICK nonetheless. I KNOW if this is going up on the board in class, all of you lot are just gonna laugh at my word choice. To be perfectly honest I reckon it'll be the back row. You mugs >:(

But yeah, JUST NOW, I've started re-working my latest tune. It's pretty heavy right now. Absence of bass in drum and bass means just drums. This isn't necessarily a bad thing!


Media Consumption Day 5, 6 + 7:

The weekend (and Monday)! Finally! Wonderful, except for the fact that I was ill the entire time. During this time I spent my few moments awake fine-tuning my newest track, using Logic Pro 8 and Reason Air 4.0 (as you asked), Reason for effects and sequencing, Logic for EQ'ing and mixdown, and I spent quite a lot of the time playing a new game that - thanks to its fantastic advertising on the Playstation Store - I bought for only £12: Wipeout HD. If you have a PS3 and you've ever enjoyed the amazing design or just overall fun of a wipeout title, BUY THIS. It's one of the best investments I've ever made with my brother's money.
Thanks BRO.
That, unfortunately, is all I've done this weekend, and Monday.

edit: also, sorry I posted this AT THE SAME TIME as the post above. I've not been busy as such, just a tad bit forgetful. It's all here in the fullest though. I like typing. Especially with this iMac keyboard. It's nice on the touch. yumyum.

also check out how awesome I am on Wipeout HD:

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Media Consumption Day 4:

So this was thursday (don't worry, I wrote it down):

Got home after school, spent an hour or so putting some art together... for art.

Went upstairs and sat at my computer, as usual. Flicked through facebook for a while, held multiple conversations on msn, before leaving to go to the Harlequin in Watford to get some clothes for a party.

Obviously, being there I was subject to many, MANY advertisements. The most memorable, funnily enough, was those at BB's Coffee and Muffins. They were literally just deals menus. Obviously it doesn't take much imagination to captivate the audience.

Once I was home, which would have been around 8 o'clock, I listened to music until around 10, and made music until 11. Once I was done, I was pretty bored, so I started calling some friends on my mobile, and I was in a few calls spanning a total of an hour.

And THEN, I went to sleep. :)

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Media Consumption Day 3:

OK, so tonight, I watched the Simpsons on channel 4, from 6-6:30pm, that was fun. Then I turned it off as soon as Hollyoaks was coming on because that's my REALLY SECRET GUILTY PLEASURE and my sister was in the room and she'd have made fun of me :(

After that I spent a good half-hour browsing youtube, which was fun.
Another stint of banter lasted another half-hour, so internet activity tonight was from around 6:45-8 ish, if you include the 15 minutes or so I spent on a drum & bass forum.

Once that was finished I got on to msn, and experienced internet HATRED for around an hour, so I couldn't log on and talk to my 1010011001010101 friends. It was all worth it when I did though, because I'm still online now.

During this time I have been making music, with brief intervals to hear some more interesting music, ie. inspiration time.

S'all good in the hood. The hood being my bedroom, good being pretty much standard life.

Salut :)

Track of the evening: Empire X - The Unknown

Edit: finished listening to and making music at 11:52pm :)

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Media Consumption Day 2:

MSN and iChat pretty much running the entire night.
Went on Facebook for some brief banter. OBVIOUSLY.

Didn't watch TV at all today. Read the newspaper this morning, specifically the article about Matti Saari, the Finnish gunman that killed some teachers and some students. He's not that cool really.

Read some Birdsong in the library during off games, as part of homework.

Got home and got straight to doing some homework, so have been listening to music from around 6pm to now, and intend to until I go to bed. That will probably be around 11:30pm, ish.

As for the comment you left: I do indeed feel that there is still need for DJs. Without DJs, events would be entirely based on a playlist. Though it could be argued this is essentially what they are, it could be likened to watching a stereo play your favourite bands latest album for an hour and a half. It would lose all meaning, interaction and the feeling you get when you watch your favourite performer(s) make mistakes or display great amounts of talent before your eyes. I don't know if this was the answer you were looking for, but this was what I think you were asking!
Hopefully I was right.

I'll edit this if and when I do turn my music off ;)

Track of the evening: Cyclone - Let's Get Ill

edit: finished listening to music at 11:30pm, made music till 12:05am :)

Monday, 22 September 2008

Media Consumption Day 1:

5:00pm - 5:40pm: Some cooking program, essentially background noise.
6:10pm - Now: Browsing the internet, mostly facebook, seen some adverts though wasn't really bothered by then.
6:10pm - Now: Music. :D

Track of the evening: Peter Kurten - The Machines

Here's that thing that last.fm does:

Monday, 15 September 2008


Noteworthy points:
I just finished all my homework
I just made this blog (even though I made another one, but I completely forgot the URL)
I just started work on a new track
My music was aired on a popular internet radio station twice in one night.
I am a winner.