Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Straight up

Basically 'The Sect' is gonna blow your MIND.

p.s. who's that  devastatingly good looking chap sitting next to the blonde kid >:)


Sacha van Straten said...

I don't know. Who is he? Can't come to lesson very often.

Alex said...

Sorry what did you say the name of the film was... Blaire Witch Project?... oh sorry.

Kia Tasbihgou said...

Sorry alex, I forgot there was a ritualistic cult in the Blair Witch, I forgot that the cult in the Blair Witch was the main part of the story, I forgot about that mate, I'll get Johnny and Morgan and Lara together tomorrow to re-write the story yeah? I thought we could replace the cult with like maybe a little house in the middle of nowhere, maybe have the three of us go into the house, see a person standing in the corner, maybe one of the main characters could be the person in the corner and we like wouldn't explain why they're doing it, then we could have the other two walk in and get knocked out in the house? that sounds a bit less like the Blair Witch Project.